Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Saving part of history

It's at the heart of what we do and a reigning passion of ours-- 
rescuing old materials before they are discarded in our landfills.  
In doing so, we preserve little bits of history and restore beauty to things that seem broken, "too old" and "of no use" anymore.  
Each of our upcycled decor items has some hidden history deep within.  
This is a glimpse of what we mean.

Two days ago, our neighbors told me they were going to be tearing down the old shed behind their home.  
They wanted to know if I could use some of the wood.  I said, "sure!" 
 My husband and I went to take a look at it.  
This "shed" was so cool and so old and so full of history!  
The front section was for the carriage and the back section was a stall for the horse!  FUN!!  My mind was whirling about all the history and stories within and around that little shed!  I wanted to save it all!!
 I was sad it was going to be torn down, but grateful that we could be a part of salvaging some of it.
My amazing husband agreed to come the next morning and be our "demolition team".  
 He removed wood from some of the walls (yes, he sawed most of it already), a small window, and some old rusty hooks and screws and other funky old metal thingys (how do you like that for my vocabulary description). 

I know, it looks like junk to most...but we are so excited and 
can't wait to create so that a little old shed that once housed a carriage and horse may live on!

1 comment:

  1. love this post!!!! and by the way...jim is such a stud! :)
