Saturday, October 10, 2009

Been a long time

Okay, we must admit that we do not possess the blogging skill gene. Going 4 and a half months between blogs is just one small example of our ineptitude. BUT, (and I know I'm not supposed to start a sentence with "but") we are going to try overcome all our feelings of inadequacy and jump back in. Part of our sporadic-ness comes from the fact that after living in St. Louis for 7 years and working side by side with my partner in crime, Jan, my family and I have moved out West to the Spokane area. We actually bought a piece of land with a really old red barn! Though we absolutely love it out here I miss Jan every day. We are, however, continuing our work with both the wall graphics on our etsy site ( and all our fun "stuff" on reclaimed wood ( I'm actually flying out in November to work on inventory and join Jan at the John Burrough's Unique Boutique (the weekend before Thanksgiving). We will have a ton of new merchandise so be sure to come by our booth and say "Hi"! (our website lists the address, dates and times!) See you in November!

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